With a super busy concert schedule this fall, Crossend is doing everything a band, particularly and up & coming band should be doing before a CD release. With their first demo due out in February 2013 they are capitalizing on the live music scene, so that by the time their album does come out, the demand will be super high. These guys just came together this year, but have already established a pretty strong fan base across the Montreal area and are working hard at expanding their reach and popularizing their band.
To this end, they have enrolled in the Emergenza International Music Festival, not only will this guarantee them another Montreal show, but potentially open doors on the international showcase circuit. They are obviously very good at promotion for their new band. Their band Facebook page has more ‘likes’ then I’ve seen on the pages of some bands who’ve been around for much longer. As long as they can maintain this momentum, they will be successful in all of their shows and their CD release party will be a sold out affair.
It’s no surprise this trio has been able to secure and successfully play so many shows. Their music is packed with energy, powerful guitar riffs and solos and a rhythm section which is so distinct, even the least professional ear can hear how it dominates various sections of their music. The vocalist has a good range with is voice and in the true definition of the style by which they describe themselves – Rock’n’Core –he does incorporate some of the latter’s growls and grunts.
Signed up 27 January 2025 at 5:37 AM

Folk rockCanada
Signed up 26 July 2021 at 7:02 AM

Su'l Fly
Signed up 26 July 2021 at 6:58 AM

Su'l Fly
Next bands around the globe
Signed up 01 February 2025 at 1:57 AM

Kaarlo Piensoho
Acid RockFinlande
Signed up 30 January 2025 at 9:41 AM
