Sono presenti 286.231 Band a 235 nazioni
Band | Città | Nazione | Stagione |
The Recorded Voice | Odense | Danimarca | 2018 |
The Red Lights | Perth | Australia | 2018 |
The Redstone Circus | Amsterdam | Paesi Bassi | 2018 |
The Regime | Sydney | Australia | 2018 |
The Rehats | Freiburg | Germania | 2018 |
The Repente Jons | Spagna | 2018 | |
The Resilience | Quebec | Canada | 2018 |
The Resistors | Ginevra | Svizzera | 2018 |
The Restless | Novosibirsk | Russia | 2018 |
The Risky Biscuits | Sydney | Australia | 2018 |
The Rivet | Helsinki | Finlandia | 2018 |
The Road 97 | Finlandia | 2018 | |
The Road Connection | Roma | Italia | 2018 |
THE ROAD DOGS | Minsk | Bielorussia | 2018 |
The Road Dogs | Minsk | Bielorussia | 2018 |
The Road Runnerd | Lione | Francia | 2018 |
The Roads | Karlsruhe | Germania | 2018 |
The Rockers | Tunisia | 2018 | |
The Rocket | Minsk | Bielorussia | 2018 |
The Rockin' Chair | Varsavia | Polonia | 2018 |
The Rockings | Mosca | Russia | 2018 |
The Roller Compressors | Venezia | Italia | 2018 |
THE ROOSE | Parigi | Francia | 2018 |
THE ROUNDERS | Roma | Italia | 2018 |
The Ruckus | Montpellier | Francia | 2018 |
The Ruido MAker | sevilla | Spagna | 2018 |
The Rumble | Opole | Polonia | 2018 |
The RVLRS - Revelers | Torino | Italia | 2018 |
The Rym X KELIT | Toulouse | Francia | 2018 |
The saddest man alive | Łódź | Polonia | 2018 |