Sono presenti 286.245 Band a 235 nazioni
Band | Città | Nazione | Stagione |
Plain Cooking | Bochum | Germania | 2015 |
PlanB | Adelaide | Australia | 2015 |
PlanckTone | Bologna | Italia | 2015 |
Planefield | Stoccolma | Svezia | 2015 |
Planet Box | Lipsia | Germania | 2015 |
PLANET EMILY | Danimarca | 2015 | |
PLANET EMILY | Germania | 2015 | |
planet mastergod | Norvegia | 2015 | |
Planet Zero | Heidelberg | Germania | 2015 |
Planetfunk | Aarhus | Danimarca | 2015 |
Planistry | Finlandia | 2015 | |
plaque madame | Liegi | Belgio | 2015 |
Plasters From The Ceiling | Firenze | Italia | 2015 |
Plastic Barricades | Londra | Regno Unito | 2015 |
plastic deco' | Reggio Emilia | Italia | 2015 |
Plastic Skeletons | Sydney | Australia | 2015 |
Plasticbirds | Bruxelles | Belgio | 2015 |
PLASTICBIRDS | Bruxelles | Belgio | 2015 |
Plasticine Army | Adelaide | Australia | 2015 |
Plasticine Army | Adelaide | Australia | 2015 |
Plasticine Machine | Sydney | Australia | 2015 |
Platformer | Adelaide | Australia | 2015 |
PlattenCrash | Berlino | Germania | 2015 |
Platypus | Berlino | Germania | 2015 |
plaxmol | Rouen | Francia | 2015 |
PLAY ON | Verona | Italia | 2015 |
Play! Electricband | Mulhouse | Francia | 2015 |
Players Of Reality | Verona | Italia | 2015 |
Playin' Fools | Bordeaux | Francia | 2015 |
PLAYSANCE | Caen | Francia | 2015 |