Sono presenti 286.263 Band a 235 nazioni
Band | Città | Nazione | Stagione |
For what | Russia | 2017 | |
For you my love | Madrid | Spagna | 2017 |
For Your Dawn | Colonia | Germania | 2017 |
Forbidden Omen | Kraków | Polonia | 2017 |
Forced Ingestion | Copenhagen | Danimarca | 2017 |
Fordærv | Aarhus | Danimarca | 2017 |
Foreign Correspondent | Melbourne | Australia | 2017 |
Foreign Fields | Mannheim | Germania | 2017 |
Forelsket | Madrid | Spagna | 2017 |
forenssick | Madrid | Spagna | 2017 |
Forest Africa Music | Bruxelles | Belgio | 2017 |
Forest Hall | Sydney | Australia | 2017 |
ForesterZ BanD | Ekaterinburg | Russia | 2017 |
ForesterZ BanD | Ekaterinburg | Russia | 2017 |
Forever Freedom | Varsavia | Polonia | 2017 |
Forever Since Breakfast | Sydney | Australia | 2017 |
Forever The Light | Quebec | Canada | 2017 |
forever the light | Quebec | Canada | 2017 |
Forged In Blood | Milano | Italia | 2017 |
Forgetting Yesterday | Malmo | Svezia | 2017 |
Forgetting Yesterday | Malmo | Svezia | 2017 |
Forgotten Memories | Valencia | Spagna | 2017 |
FORGOTTEN WINDS | Barcellona | Spagna | 2017 |
Forlorn Elm | Berna | Svizzera | 2017 |
Forma Mentis | Genova | Italia | 2017 |
FORSAKEN | Colombia | 2017 | |
Forte Ruin | Finlandia | 2017 | |
Forte-Piano | Zielona Góra | Polonia | 2017 |
FOSFOR | Gdynia | Polonia | 2017 |
Fosgen | Wrocław | Polonia | 2017 |