Letztes Update:

15 Mai 2016

Box of Chocolates
Watch us play the song "Flesh & Blood" at the Semi Finals at SO36!

Eff R.   15 Mai 2016 04:29
"Hey, na-na-na-na-na, that's something!" - State of love and trust (Pearl Jam)

The four of us had so much fun on stage at the Semi Finals at SO36!!! And we were so grateful for all the wonderful chocoholics in the audience who went along with us! Thanks for dancing, cheering and voting for us! We can't believe, we won again!

Check out some pics from the event below!
Find more on our website:
Eff R.   16 April 2016 07:20
Eff R.   16 April 2016 07:13
Eff R.   16 April 2016 07:12
Eff R.   16 April 2016 07:12
Eff R.   16 April 2016 07:11
Eff R.   16 April 2016 07:11
Dear friends of the chocolate box!
In case you're still wondering whether you should join us on April 14 at SO36 we've put together a little motivational video for you!
Let's melt the chocolate while it's hot! Enjoy!

Eff R.   23 März 2016 02:32
Eff R.   08 März 2016 05:14
Eff R.   24 Januar 2016 02:44